Vineyards are located in Pedernal Valley at an average altitude of 1,400 m. a. s. l.
Soils are exceptional, with gravel of different sizes, shapes, and composition:
geological calcareous and silica materials, also known as “Pedernal”. There are also
fine materials like sand, lime, and clay with loamy-sandy to clay-loam textures. Soils
are poor, with low organic matter content and with optimal water retention and
distribution, and good drainage. As a result, these soils are ideal for a balanced
vineyard management.
The climate is cold, continental, and dry, with an average of 150 mm and sunny days
for the most part of the year. Temperatures and temperature range are very
favorable during grape ripeness and, together with the altitude, help grow berries
with thicker skin, greater concentration and better balance between sugar content,
polyphenols, and acid levels. As a result, we produce expressive and intense wines
with exceptional aromas and flavors, a very good tannic structure and strong acidity.